What people are saying!

"Your course was so helpful. I appreciate all of the work you put into it, the live instruction, the glossaries, the practice exercises, and your feedback. Wow. It is a great value."
- Lilian

Querida Victoria,

No sabés cuánto estoy disfrutando de tu hermosa clase! Además, como bien dijo Analía, el grupo de estudiantes super dedicados la enriqueció muchísimo. herrumbre cerebral!

Gracias por todo, incluyendo tu dedicación, tu manera cariñosa de corregirnos y por enfatizar la flexibilidad mental. Así como existen "special agents" y "special investigators", hay "special instructors" como vos. Claro que en tu caso sos verdaderamente "special"!


Hi, I am Victoria Dopazo. I am a Federally Certified Court Interpreter. I also hold certifications from State Courts in MD and NY and from NAJIT.

I have dedicated myself to this profession since 2000. I am also a teacher by training and practice. Teaching was my first love. I taught languages for more than 20 years before becoming an interpreter. In 2017, I decided to combine my two careers and pass on some of what I have learned as an interpreter and as a teacher to help form the next generation of court interpreters.

Beginner to Pro!

Courses designed for aspiring interpreters. If you are a bilingual person that would like to become a professional interpreter you are in the right place! We offer a full course that will guide you through terminology, legal concepts, ethics, courtroom etiquette, and give you ample opportunity to practice passages that you may be called upon to interpret in court. From simple arraignments to trial testimony, to advisement of rights, opening and closing arguments, jury instructions, voir dire, etc.

Exam Preparation

Courses designed for interpreters who are ready to take the next step in their careers and obtain certification at either State Court or Federal Court.

These are intensive courses consisting of 10 sessions of 1.5 hours each to practice the three modes of interpretation required to work in court: consecutive, simultaneous and sight interpretation. More than 50 passages for practice. Guided practice throughout the course duration! Feedback and coaching offered on demand.

Continuing Education

These are stand alone webinars on different topics of interest to certified interpreters who need to comply with the requirement of continuing education credits.

Most of these courses are 1.5 hours long. You can sign up individually or in bundles of several courses.

Most of the States approve our courses. You will receive certificates of completion for each of the courses you attend.